About My Photography:
Along with a passion for photographing and conserving our planet's living landscapes, I'm also captivated by people's lives and expressions, especially in the rural West, where change is colliding with tradition, and insularity meets diversity.
With many years experience in both landscape photography and photojournalism, my interests include documenting the tumultuous events of 2020 and beyond, especially in the small communities of the rural West. As climate change, human expansion and economic development threaten the natural world, my images track both losses and triumphs of conservation.
The rural west, especially the Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountain states, has long been the refuge of the Pioneer, The Independent, and the Self Sufficient. Racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity increasingly struggle here as they have for a very long time. As a photojournalist, my interests include documenting the present culture here, as well as the changes being wrought in the 21st Century. That includes projects focused on groups considered to be white power supporters, as well as the cultural newcomers and new immigrants to these communities, issues of social and environmental justice, and the multiple social and economic issues here.
Sports--especially high school and youth leagues, are a glue that helps bind these communities together. As an award-winning sports photographer, I find joy in documenting the emotion and athleticism of young people, and in rodeo photography, the drama of both the human participants and the animals in these events. Small town rodeo, ranch rodeo, and youth/high school rodeo are also important components of rural western culture, and I make every effort to documeht those as well.